Wednesday, January 2, 2008

"Guessing Game"

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Well...I must say I've let my blogging duties sit on the back burner for too long, haven't I? I think it's time to give in to some updates. Here's the first. This comic appeared last year...December 22nd actually. most of my comics do...there's a story that goes along with it.
Growing up, I got REAL good at guessing what was in all my presents under the tree. Really good! Now...I never snooped, I was just real good at guessing. When Carrie and I started dating...oh so many years ago, I actually guessed what one of the gifts that she had wrapped was. She denied I was right, but I knew.
Then when we exchanged gifts, I had this new gift. It was a different shape, different wrapping, and truth be told, not as cool as the first gift which I had guessed. When I asked her about it, she simply said that she loves the excitement and surprise of Christmas and she hates people guessing...especially guessing correctly. So when I had guessed correctly, that gift was returned and a new one was bought in its place. OUCH! So...needless to say, I never NEVER guess what Carrie gets me each year. Even though sometimes I know...I just keep my big trap shut!
Enjoy this comic. A New Year's comic will be coming soon. Maybe even later tonight.

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