Monday, March 31, 2008


As I sat at home last Friday, suddenly realizing that I needed an I DIG DUG comic for the next weekend seeing as how I was leaving for Gatlinburg on Saturday morning, I must admit...I did panic...a bit. BUT, I'm getting pretty good at pulling comics right out of my head at a moment's notice and leaving for Tennessee gave me some good inspiration.
Now...naturally...I would never, EVER, be so daft as to accidentally leave my wife behind. I would do it on purpose. HAHAHAHAHA!!! (...just kidding, honey!...) But that certainly makes for a good comic. Originally Matt was in this as well, but as I started laying out the dialogue and sketching in the thumbnails, having Matt there just didn't make sense and really crowded the comic. Plus that last panel is great with Dug all alone.
Also, I opted to add some grayscale tones in Photoshop for this one. I do that from time to time. Not often...but from time to time.
SO...hope the weather's good in good 'ol Ohio. Not too bad down here...looks like rain for tomorrow though. Probably a good day to do some indoor 'chillin'. Later, I DIG DUGGERS!!!

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