Monday, March 24, 2008

"Peep Party in my Belly!"

I love Peeps. They're especially good if you poke a few holes in the plastic wrap and let them dry out for a day or two. MMMMMMMM...Yummy, sugary, marshmallowy goodness! For a little are some Peeps fun facts taken from
*In the early 1950's it took nearly 27 hours to make ONE Peeps chick. Today the process takes a little less than six minutes.
*It would take over 172 million Peeps bunnies end to end to circle the moon.
*The amount of Peeps chicks and bunnies eater during Easter would more then circle the circumference of the Earth. And most of 'em are in my stomach!!!
Want to know more...check out the website. I need to go have breakfast. Where are those Peeps?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haa. Peeps are alright but im not a big fan myself. I didn't get any for easter though :[