Sunday, March 2, 2008

"I'm No Detective..."

I still remember the first Batman comic I ever bought. It was Detective Comics #579 titled "The Crime Doctor's Crimson Clinic". The main 'bad guy' was this guy they just called "The Doctor" and while I don't remember the exact details to the story...there's so much that made an impact on me!!! At this point in my comic book collecting, I was into Star Wars, G.I.Joe, Elfquest, The Warlord, Atari Force, and the like. More fantasy and adventure than super heroes. This issue of Detective Comics changed all of that!
The cover had this evil doctor dude about ready to slice open some poor victim, while Batman burst through a window in the background. Norm Breyfogle was the artist for this issue, and for many issues after that. To this day I consider him one of the greatest Batman illustrators in comics history. His work gets looked over quite a bit, but I remember how dynamic his work was, and I was hooked. Batman started me down a road that I still travel to this day. I'm still a comic junkie...and Batman is STILL one of the comics I buy on a monthly basis. I don't need to explain what makes the character so cool...because I'm sure you already know. I just wanted to explain how I started my long, long relationship with the Dark Knight.
So...a few years ago I did this poster featuring Dug and Batman. This comic is a small portion of this poster. I redrew it to fit within the space of the panel, obviously, and I think it's pretty cool that you have to turn the comic sideways to read it. I suppose looking back, I probably should've drawn Batman in Norm Breyfogle's style. Oh's still pretty funny.

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