Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"You Say It's Your Birthday"

Ahhh...the classic "Hey it's Dug's birthday again, but we're still seniors in college and not really getting any older" comic. Yeah,'s my birthday tomorrow. Thirty four big candles blazing a fire signal to space on the currently non-existent birthday cake.
It's hard to write about a comic that revolves birthday. There's not much too it. I added Dug's thought balloons as a semi-kinda-sorta tribute to some of the emotions you see in some more child centered manga 'toons. I thought that was a new and interesting touch to the comic. And the 'cross-hatched' panels is different. But it's forced. I couldn't find my straight edge, so I opted with a more 'creative' approach. It works okay, but I don't like it on the top of the third panel. I may actually go in and Photoshop that out. We'll see...
Anyway...happy birthday to me, and to all of you who share May 8th birthdays. I'll be celebrating by spending the evening at school, celebrating our school's art show and listening to the choir and band concerts perform that evening. And maybe...just maybe...playing a little MarioKart on the Wii. I'm hoping that's what Carrie and the girls got me. We shall see.....

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