Saturday, June 14, 2008

"Color by GIMP!"

A long time ago, my buddy Smitty told me about GIMP. It's basically a freeware, shareware program that's comparable to Photoshop. love for Photoshop wouldn't allow me to try it out. So I didn't. Until now.
For some reason my laptop...along with Windows Vista...won't install my old (and a little outdated) version of Photoshop. And because of this, I just haven't had the desire to color any of my comics. Suddenly, I remembered GIMP, decided to install it, try it out and see what happens.'s not bad. It's a nice alternative to Photoshop in the sense that you bascially have all the basic PS functions available to use. It's not quite as 'slick', but overall it lets me do what I want to do with my comics. Just add some basic color and texture.'s a hit.
So, here's May's Brodie Rock comics all decked out in color thanks to GIMP! I'll get to June's later this weekend. Have a good one!

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