I know what you're asking. "Where are all the full color I DIG DUG comics I promised?" I know...I know... I'm just always amazed by how I get sidetracked, and unfortunately the 'ol blog here takes back seat to lots of other projects I have going on.
Anyway...this is the next to last Brodie Rock comic for this year. Next week will be the series finale, and then after that...who knows. My mother-in-law loves these strips and thinks I should submit them with my next batch of syndication submissions. I must admit, I find them funny...but I'm not sure that they're my 'best work'. It was really just a fun 'side project' I wanted to experiment with over the summer. It's also reassuring to know that the real Brodie Rock is enjoying his summer adventure as well.
Enjoy this week's comic. I won't make any more promises in regards to color comics, but I will try to get on the 'ol laptop here sometime this week and try sprucing the blog up with a little color.
Have a great fourth of July week!!! Back to my other summer projects...
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