Monday, June 2, 2008

"Love at First Sight"

Okay...I can't help it. I was going to wait until Wednesday to post the new comic, but I figured since I was already logged in to Blogger, I might as well do it now.
Here we meet "Lady Leaf". She's actually an unnamed character. I had begun to write a whole 'introduction' scene between her and B.Rock but it just felt congested for a five panel comic strip. Then I thought about prolonging the story over two weeks. One week to introduce the leaf to the rock and the next for the leaf to blow away in the wind. But I didn't like that idea either. So, I ended up scrapping any intros and just going with the main story. I like it.
I'm having fun taking a small sabbatical from Dug, Carrie, and Matt. There's not as much coloring, and I think it's quirky to be telling the story of an inanimate object. There's just something comical about that. To me, anyway. I hope you're enjoying reading them as much as I am creating them.
Have a great week!!!

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