Sunday, March 8, 2009

"Reading the Watchmen" Watchmen opened this weekend, and I highly recommend that if you haven't read the graphic novel that you do so BEFORE you see the movie. But, in the event that you don't read the book before, you should still read it after. It's a fantastic tale that deals with all kinds of social and political issues. I won't lie...if you're a "comic virgin" it will be a tough read, but I still suggest you work your way thru it the best you can.
"Comic Book" genre movies sometimes get a bad rap, and there's a fear that with the mega-success that this genre had in '08, there will eventually be this 'over-exposure'. I hope not...because there are SO many great comic book characters and stories that would be great to see on the big screen. I mean sure, when we think 'comic book movies' we think Dark Knight, Iron Man, and upcoming movies like Wolverine and Green Lantern (in 2010!!!). But there are also characters like Jonah Hex whose movie will hit in '10. Warlord, Adam Strange, The Weird, The Question, and The Griffin are also GREAT comics that are a little different than just "man dresses up in underwear to fight crime" comic stories.
Anyway...I'm stoked about The Watchmen. I'm seeing it next week with some friends, which means I have five days left to reread this massive story. And I really may end up finishing it in line to get in.

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