Sunday, January 10, 2010


Last week, I kind of gave you the scoop on what 2010 will bring to the world of I DIG DUG Comics. And today I'd like to give you the first official glimpse of "Lost On Earth", titled "001".

Lost on Earth (LOE) began as a new comic I had originally called "Allen And Roid" which was about two androids (..."and roid"..."android"...get it?) traveling around the universe. I say "about" lightly, as I never wrote any stories for Allen and Roid mostly because I was never really happy about the sketches I did for the Roid character. Plus, he sounded like a steroid, or hemorrhoid, so I really wasn't digging his name either. I kept Allen around, though, and started calling him Allen Android, thinking that at some point I'd use him in an I DIG DUG comic.

And I did use him in an I DIG DUG comic, although it was never published. Technically, it was never inked either. It's just a series of sketched comics sitting in my basement. And by the time I got around to using him, I had also created the characters of Doktor Skwidd and Fishtarr during one of my Creative Cartooning Summer Art Camps...a story I'll share another time. And in the attempt to use them in an IDD story, I began to enjoy the thought of creating a whole new strip for them, moving away from IDD and into Lost on Earth. That was two and half years ago. And today...we finally see that process.

I'm hoping to add some color to this in Photoshop later this week, but I'm not quite sure of color themes for the characters don't get your hopes up. Hopefully I'll have some IDD art by mid-week showing you some sketches of the upcoming graphic novel "Graduation", and next weekend we'll move to "002" of LOE, with a story on how the characters came to be. Have a great week, friends!!!


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