Sunday, April 25, 2010

007 in COLOR!

The LOST ON EARTH strips certainly add a challenge when adding color. As I continue to draw more and more little details into the strip, it becomes more and more tedious to actually color them in Photoshop. Not that I mind...I'm just saying.

This particular strip took roughly an hour, and 35-40 minutes of it was the first two panels. And there are a few sections where I think I probably could have added even MORE detail, but opted not to. Those extra little details would have been miniscule as you look at the entire strip, and would have to be magnified multiple times to really see. So...I opted to keep it simple.

Sorry for the length of time between updates. It's been a crazy few weeks, and they don't seem to be getting any less hectic. With the end of the school year rapidly approaching and all the stuff we got going around the house, all the cartooning stuff quickly gets relegated to the back burner. I'll get to "008" around mid-week after giving this strip a few days to settle in.


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