Monday, May 3, 2010

LOE 008

This might be the last LOE that contains the "" information file at the beginning of the strip. As I continue to write, I am finding that the "Galaxapedia" stuff, while creative and relevant to the strip, is becoming more and more forced. I think it has served its purpose in explaining certain elements to the characters, but it's a section of the comic that you'll begin seeing less and less of as time goes by. I'll certainly use it on occasion when I feel that I can use it properly. But for's going to slowly disappear.

"008" continues Dr.Skwidd's story of no longer being able to problem solve. That's really the reason the "" fact file is there. So that you...the reader...know that Dr. Skwidd comes from on the most highly intelligent species in the galaxy. But that's not exactly what you're seeing in the strip, is it? Something is amiss inside that superior intellect of Doc Skwidd. And he mightjusve have enough brain power to probably figure it out, but what's he going to do then? ...snicker... You'll just have to wait to find out!


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